Front Desk Coordinator

The Phone Interview.

  1. Before you start the interview, be sure to have your iPad ready to start recording using the app “Voice Memos” already installed on the device.

  2. Start recording…

  3. While recording, let the candidate know that you will record the audio of this interview for review purposes and ask permission, this should be recorded.

Recording audio of the interview can keep you on track so you could listen to the answer comfortably without having to pause and write a candidates response.

  1. Tell me a bit about yourself

    Some people might think this question is too simple, but it’s actually a crucial part of the interview. First, it helps put the candidate at ease by giving them an easy question to answer.

    Second, they may mention something related to what they want most from their next job. This can help you steer the direction of the conversation and make getting answers easier.

    The best candidates have an answer prepared for this question. They should mention the skills they’ve learned from their previous work experience, and how they relate to the job description.

    For example, if a candidate has spent time working at a pizza place. Then he/she can say that they’re used to working with high volumes of people in a fast-paced environment.

    The best answers include phrases from the job description, demonstrating that you are both aware of what is required and enthusiastic about it!

2. What about this position attracted you to apply?

The more a candidate tells you the better. Do the like the industry or perhaps technologies or equipment your company uses.

If they say well it’s close to my house and that’s the main reason then you may want to keep talking to other candidates. You are going to be investing in this person and you want them to be excited about the opportunity.

3. How would your current skills be a match for this job?

The candidate needs to be able to explain how their skills will thrive in the position you’re interviewing them for. If they are not sure what skills they have that are a fit.

Then this can show a lack of research and understanding of the position.

4. Describe the workplace culture you thrive in?

Does the candidate prefer a laid-back atmosphere or something in between? Do they like doing activities with coworkers after work or just going home. Is a company that is active in the community important to them?

Whatever they say see if it lines up with your company’s culture. You want an employee that will stick around and enjoy where they are working at.

5. In this position you may be busy completing tasks & the phone may ring non-stop at times, putting those tasks on hold. How do you handle multiple tasks or requests at the same time?

6. Client satisfaction is at the top of our list when it comes to your position. How do you build rapport with clients and make them feel welcome and valued?

7. How do you stay motivated and enthusiastic in a customer-facing role?

8. Here at Lush we require professional attire, primarily black, as well as professional make-up, would this be an issue?

After the interview, inform the candidate to be on the lookout for an email response some time today with further details. Thank the candidate, and wish them well..

THE END… or The beginning? We shall see…..

Congrats! Thank you for conducting the interview, fingers crossed on our future team member? If everything went well, send the candidate an offer letter!